Navigating the Varied Landscape of Trans Healthcare for Minors in the EU

Navigating the Varied Landscape of Trans Healthcare for Minors in the EU

The access to gender-affirming healthcare for transgender, intersex, and non-binary minors varies significantly across the European Union. While some countries offer relatively straightforward pathways, others pose substantial barriers, creating a disparate landscape for young trans individuals seeking care.

France: A Case of Conditional Accessibility

In France, minors can access gender-affirming treatments like puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). However, the process often involves lengthy psychological assessments, creating potential delays. Alex’s story, a young French individual, illustrates a best-case scenario where familial support and age facilitated quicker access to treatment, but many others face longer waits.

Spain’s Progressive Stance

Spain recently enacted legislation to simplify the process for individuals over 16 to legally change their gender markers, marking a significant step forward for trans rights. This law has positioned Spain as one of the best places in Europe for trans healthcare, according to Transgender Europe (TGEU).

Ireland’s Contradictory Situation

Ireland presents a stark contrast, where despite legal provisions for gender self-declaration, practical access to trans healthcare is severely limited. Young people face a backlog of up to seven years in the healthcare system, effectively delaying access to gender-affirming care until adulthood.

The Swedish and Finnish Approaches

Sweden and Finland have taken different paths, with Sweden recently restricting hormone therapy for minors under 18 and Finland eliminating the sterilization requirement for adults changing their gender markers.

The Rising Tide of Violence and Hate Speech

The past year has seen an alarming increase in violence against the LGBTQ+ community in Europe, with several high-profile attacks and murders of trans individuals. This surge in violence accompanies a rise in hate speech against trans people across various European nations.

The Struggle for Recognition and Respect

The experiences of young trans individuals like Alex highlight the importance of societal recognition and respect for their identities. Access to hormones is crucial, but societal acceptance and familial support play a pivotal role in their well-being.

Conclusion: A Diverse European Landscape

The situation across the EU underscores the diversity of approaches to trans healthcare, influenced by political, social, and cultural factors. While some countries are making significant strides toward inclusive and accessible healthcare for trans minors, others lag behind, creating a complex and often challenging environment for these young individuals to navigate.


Amazon Prime Faces Legal Action Over Homophobic Chants in PSG Match Broadcast

Amazon Prime Faces Legal Action Over Homophobic Chants in PSG Match Broadcast

A French LGBTQ+ rights organization has launched a legal challenge against Amazon Prime. This follows the streaming platform’s broadcast of a replay featuring a football game between Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) and Marseille, where homophobic chants were distinctly heard. The match in question, which occurred on September 24, saw PSG fans using homophobic slurs aimed at their opponents, a situation reported by an AFP journalist at PSG’s Parc des Princes stadium.

PSG Players and Club Sanctions

The incident led to repercussions for PSG, with four of its players, including Randal Kolo Muani and Ousmane Dembele, receiving suspended one-match bans for participating in the chants. These players later issued apologies for their conduct, acknowledging they got “carried away” and promising to uphold their responsibility to set a positive example. Additionally, PSG faced penalties, including the closing of the Auteuil stand in their stadium for one game.

Broadcaster Liability and Amazon’s Response

The LGBT Families group’s lawyer emphasized that while live broadcasts of offensive content might not incur liability, replays do. The complaint against Amazon Prime alleges that the replay of the game included distinct homophobic chants from the fans. Amazon Prime, in response, stated that the match was no longer available on its platform when the complaint was made public and condemned all forms of discrimination, including homophobia.

Wider Context: Homophobia in French Sport

The lawsuit against Amazon Prime reflects a larger issue of homophobia within French sports. A survey conducted by the Federation Sportive LGBT+ association found that almost 50% of participants observed homophobic or transphobic actions in sports environments. Additionally, this situation follows an event where several Ligue 1 players chose not to wear rainbow-themed symbols as part of an anti-homophobia initiative, although the majority of players endorsed this effort.

Campaign Against Homophobia in Football

The Rouge Direct (Straight Red Card) group, an organization fighting against homophobia in sports, has supported the complaint against Amazon Prime. They accused the streaming service of reneging on a previous commitment to not broadcast homophobic chants during replays. This legal case against Amazon Prime forms part of a larger effort to combat the normalization of homophobia in football and sports at large.

In summary, Amazon Prime’s decision to replay a football match featuring homophobic chants has led to legal repercussions and brought into focus the ongoing issue of homophobia in sports, particularly in French football. This case underscores the need for broadcasters and sports organizations to actively address and prevent discriminatory behavior.


Poland’s Opposition Forms Coalition in Wake of Election

Poland's Opposition Forms Coalition in Wake of Election

Poland’s political landscape witnessed a significant shift as the three largest opposition parties – Civic Coalition, the Third Way, and the Left – reached a coalition agreement. This unity comes in the aftermath of the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party losing its parliamentary majority in the recent election. The coalition marks a pivotal moment in Polish politics, aiming to chart a new course for the country’s governance.

Coalition Priorities: Security, Rule of Law, and Social Issues

The coalition, led by notable figures including Donald Tusk of the Civic Coalition, has outlined its priorities in the agreement. Top on the list is addressing security concerns, particularly in light of Russian aggression against Ukraine. Additionally, the coalition is committed to restoring the rule of law, which critics say was undermined during PiS’s tenure. Other focus areas include tackling the climate crisis, enhancing women’s rights, improving education and healthcare systems, and combating hate speech.

Challenges in Government Formation

Despite the coalition’s majority in parliament, the path to power is not straightforward. Polish President Andrzej Duda, allied with PiS, has given outgoing Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki an opportunity to form a new government. This move is seen by many as a delaying tactic, benefiting PiS. The coalition, asserting its parliamentary majority, has proposed Donald Tusk, a former prime minister and European Council president, as the new government leader.

Accountability and Reforms Promised

The coalition agreement also includes pledges to hold the previous PiS government accountable for its actions and policies, which they describe as detrimental to Poland’s democratic and legal norms. The coalition plans to implement a more predictable tax system, ensure transparency in government finances, depoliticize public media, and improve access to housing and social safety nets.

Internal Differences Within the Coalition

Despite their united front against PiS, the coalition parties have significant differences on several key issues, including abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, and energy policy. The Third Way’s stance against liberalizing Poland’s stringent abortion laws resulted in the exclusion of this issue from the coalition agreement. The Left’s Razem party has expressed support for the government but hesitates to formally join due to the exclusion of explicit commitments on issues like abortion.

The Road Ahead: A New Political Era for Poland

As Poland prepares for the inauguration of the new parliament on November 13, the coalition faces the challenge of navigating its internal differences while fulfilling its ambitious agenda. The opposition’s comfortable majority in parliament offers a promising start, but the coalition’s effectiveness will be tested in its ability to bring tangible changes and unify a politically divided country.


The Mental Health Crisis Among Kosovo’s LGBT Community

The Mental Health Crisis Among Kosovo's LGBT Community

Challenging Societal Norms: A Personal Journey to Self-Acceptance

In Kosovo, individuals like Teo (a pseudonym) encounter severe challenges in their journey toward self-acceptance due to deep-rooted patriarchal values and societal stigmatization. Growing up feeling alienated, Teo’s story encapsulates the struggles faced by many in the LGBT community in Kosovo. His journey from confusion and religious aversion to accepting his identity highlights the difficult path faced by many.

Impact of Societal Stigma on Mental Health

The LGBT community in Kosovo confronts significant mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and a heightened risk of suicide. This is largely attributed to the oppressive societal attitudes and lack of acceptance, both in families and the wider community. Teo’s struggle with his gender identity and the anxiety of societal perception mirrors the broader experience of the LGBT community in Kosovo.

Suicide and Marginalization: A Dire Consequence

Bind Skeja, founder of Kosovo’s suicide hotline “Linja e Jetes” (Life’s Line), emphasizes that societal oppression and exclusion significantly contribute to suicidal thoughts and actions within the LGBT community. This is especially prevalent due to the lack of institutional support and recognition of the challenges faced by this marginalized group.

Family Rejection and the Struggle for Identity

For many like Teo, family rejection remains a significant hurdle. Despite finding acceptance in certain social circles, the continued use of a birth name that does not align with one’s gender identity can cause deep psychological distress. This rejection exacerbates feelings of isolation and hinders the journey towards self-realization and acceptance.

Alarming Rates of Depression and Suicide Attempts

The Centre for Equality and Liberty (CEL) in Kosovo, directed by Blert Morina, reports alarmingly high rates of depression, suicide, and suicidal attempts within the LGBT community. A recent study by CEL reveals that about 38% of LGBT individuals have attempted suicide, with severe anxiety, depression, and stress widely prevalent.

Providing Essential Support Through Therapy

Recognizing these challenges, CEL has initiated a program offering free therapy to LGBT individuals. The increasing demand for such services highlights the urgent need for mental health support within this community. Morina, who has personally experienced depression and anxiety, underscores the importance of this program in providing a lifeline to those struggling.

Greater Isolation in Smaller Communities

The situation is even more dire in smaller towns and villages, where LGBT individuals face greater isolation. Teo’s experience of moving to a larger city for education provided a crucial opportunity for growth and acceptance, a luxury not available to all.

The Road Ahead: Fear and Uncertainty

Despite these supportive measures, many, including Teo, still grapple with the fear of complete self-acceptance and the potential loss of family support. The journey towards starting hormonal therapy and fully embracing one’s identity remains fraught with uncertainty and fear in the face of societal and familial pressures.

The mental health crisis in Kosovo’s LGBT community calls for greater awareness, acceptance, and institutional support to combat the deep-seated societal stigma and patriarchal norms that continue to hinder the path to equality and mental well-being.


Romania’s Steps Toward Recognizing EU Same-Sex Marriages Await Parliamentary Approval

Romania's Steps Toward Recognizing EU Same-Sex Marriages Await Parliamentary Approval

Government Endorses Draft Law Amidst Legal Pressures

The Romanian government has recently greenlit a draft law poised to legally recognize same-sex marriages conducted in any European Union country as valid within Romania. Awaiting a decisive vote in parliament, this legislative development emerges five years following a judgment by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) against Romania, in addition to several related lawsuits.

Advocacy Groups Push for Comprehensive Equality

Despite this advancement, Florina Presada, the head of ACCEPT, a leading organization championing LGBTQ+ rights in Romania, argues that the bill doesn’t go far enough in ensuring full equality. According to Presada, the legislation stops short of fully acknowledging same-sex partners as spouses, thus not fully aligning with the expectations set by international and national legal precedents regarding same-sex marriage.

CJEU Ruling on Residency Rights for Same-Sex Couples

In a landmark decision in June 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that Romania is obligated to acknowledge the residency rights of same-sex spouses. This directive necessitated that Romania recognize marriage certificates of Romanian citizens who are in same-sex marriages conducted in other EU countries, eliminating the requirement for these certificates to be officially transcribed into Romania’s civil status registry. However, it’s important to note that this ruling did not extend to mandating Romania to legalize same-sex marriages within its own borders.

ECHR’s Verdict on Romania’s Stance on Same-Sex Marriages

Moreover, in May, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) found that Romania’s stance of not legalizing same-sex marriages or civil partnerships was in violation of the right to respect for private and family life, as outlined in the European Convention on Human Rights. This verdict came about following a formal complaint lodged by the ACCEPT association along with 21 families against the Romanian government.

Consequences of Ignoring EU Directives

Romania’s Interior Ministry emphasized the importance of adhering to these EU directives, highlighting the risk of financial penalties. Failure to comply could trigger infringement procedures, potentially leading to significant fines levied by the European court.

Potential Roadblocks Ahead for the Legislation

The proposed bill is now poised for a crucial parliamentary vote. However, there is concern over possible delays in passing the law. Presada cites historical instances where similar legislation regarding civil partnerships has stalled for extended periods. As a result, the future effectiveness and impact of this legislation in fully recognizing same-sex marriages in Romania remain in a state of uncertainty.


“Bi” by Julia Shaw: A Comprehensive Exploration of Bisexuality

"Bi" by Julia Shaw: A Comprehensive Exploration of Bisexuality

Challenging Stereotypes and Embracing History

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Julia Shaw’s latest book, “Bi,” presents a thorough investigation into the multifaceted world of bisexuality. It traverses the realms of science, culture, and history, moving from deeply political insights to refreshingly unique perspectives. Shaw, a criminal psychologist, confronts the long-standing misconception of bisexuality as a modern fad, tracing its acknowledgment back to at least the 1890s.

Breaking Down the Evolution of Bisexuality

Shaw points out the media’s periodic portrayal of bisexuality as a “new” phenomenon, citing examples from different eras where bisexuality was labeled as trendy. Her book is a determined effort to bring serious academic research on bisexuality to the forefront, asserting that bisexuality is not a transient trend but a consistent and complex aspect of human sexuality.

From Academic Jargon to Social Media Lingo

The book skillfully navigates between academic language and relatable social media speak, making complex concepts accessible to a broader audience. Shaw’s narrative includes scientific terms alongside everyday language, demonstrating her expertise in psychology and her adeptness at communicating intricate ideas in an engaging manner.

Political and Personal Undertones

Shaw begins her book with bold statements that challenge conventional views on sexuality. She discusses her own journey as a bisexual individual, including starting a bisexual research group and completing a master’s degree in queer history. Her personal and professional experiences add depth to the book’s exploration of bisexuality.

A Journey Through Science and Culture

Shaw’s book is a vibrant tour through various aspects of bisexuality. She celebrates the sexual behaviors of animals like bonobos and starfish, using them to draw parallels with human sexuality. The book also delves into studies on human behavior, suggesting that sexual preferences can be more fluid than traditionally thought.

Addressing Bisexual Visibility and Discrimination

Shaw highlights the challenges faced by bisexual individuals, including discrimination from both straight and gay communities. She cites studies revealing the professional and social consequences of openly identifying as bisexual and emphasizes the need for greater bisexual visibility to protect their rights.

The Complexity of Sexual Identity Labels

While Shaw meticulously defines bisexuality, she uses terms like LGBTIQ, LGBT+, and queer interchangeably without specific definitions. This approach mirrors the fluidity she advocates for in understanding sexuality, but it also reflects the complexity and sometimes the ambiguity of sexual identity labels.

Queer Theory as a Foundation

Shaw provides a succinct explanation of queer theory, an academic discipline that informs her work. She posits that bisexuality challenges conventional sexual binaries, prompting a broader reevaluation of assumptions about sex and relationships.

Conclusion: A Catalyst for Broader Conversations

“Bi” by Julia Shaw is not just a book about bisexuality; it’s a catalyst for conversations that could lead to greater understanding and empathy for people across the spectrum of sexual identities. Shaw’s exploration of bisexuality serves as a window into a world where traditional boundaries are questioned, and new perspectives are embraced.


Lithuania Aims to Repeal “Anti-Gay Propaganda” Law

Lithuania Aims to Repeal "Anti-Gay Propaganda" Law

In a decisive move towards equality, the Lithuanian government is preparing to repeal a law from 2009 that has been widely criticized for its resemblance to Russian “anti-gay propaganda” legislation. Known for restricting minors’ access to content about same-sex marriage and LGBTQI+ issues, the law has been under fire for what many perceive as its homophobic undertones and infringement on freedom of expression.

Controversial Provisions Under Scrutiny

While the ‘Law on the Protection of Minors from Negative Public Information’ does not directly name the LGBTQ+ community, its controversial provisions have sparked a debate about its impact on family values and the definition of marriage. The Justice Ministry is now focused on amending these contentious aspects of the law.

International Pressure and Human Rights

Prompted by a ruling from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) which found the law in violation of free expression rights, Lithuania is taking steps to align with international human rights standards. The ECHR’s involvement came after the law was used to censor content from a children’s book discussing same-sex relationships, questioning the government’s stance on the promotion of different family structures.

Political Tensions and Societal Views

The proposed legal changes come against a backdrop of considerable political and societal friction. With more than 70% of Lithuanians reportedly opposed to same-sex partnerships, the push for equality is a contentious issue within the coalition government. The Freedom Party’s leader, Aušrinė Armonaitė, has expressed concern about the potential fallout if the amendment does not pass, emphasizing the party’s commitment to true freedom in Lithuania.

Community Experiences and Perceptions

Despite resistance, there are signs of a shifting perspective. A survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) highlighted that harassment of the LGBT community in Lithuania is higher than the EU average, yet pride celebrations and public demonstrations reflect a growing acceptance. Indeed, recent years have seen a perceived decrease in prejudice and intolerance towards LGBTI individuals in Lithuania, a trend that contrasts with the broader EU statistics.

The Path Forward

As Lithuania confronts its stance on LGBTQI+ rights, the world watches to see if it will follow through with its commitment to discard a law that many have deemed outdated and discriminatory. With the proposed amendment, Lithuania seeks not just to amend its legal code but to make a profound statement about the kind of society it strives to be—one that embraces diversity and champions the rights of all its citizens.


Poland's Election Results: A Glimmer of Hope for Marginalized Communities

The Polish election has yielded results that are stirring cautious optimism among various marginalized communities. After an extended period under a government known for its conservative stance, particularly towards LGBTQ+ individuals, the country stands at the cusp of a potential change in governance.

Breathing a Sigh of Relief

For people like Bart Staszewski, a gay man and LGBTQ+ activist, the election’s outcome promises a respite from the onslaught of governmental hostility. Staszewski, along with many in the LGBTQ+ community, has faced an environment rife with fear and anxiety as the previous ruling party, Law and Justice (PiS), propagated an anti-LGBTQ+ agenda.

The Beautiful Resistance

Despite the challenges, a robust LGBTQ+ movement has emerged, demonstrating resilience and solidarity. Activists like Staszewski now hope to leverage this momentum to advocate for more inclusive legislation, aiming to include sexual orientation and gender expression in hate crime laws.

The Road Ahead

The path forward is not without obstacles. The PiS-aligned president retains veto power, which could complicate legislative efforts. Moreover, Donald Tusk’s government has expressed intentions to prioritize the introduction of same-sex civil partnerships, signaling a step forward, though the full realization of LGBTQ+ rights remains to be seen.

A Mixed Reception Among Refugee Advocates

The election results also brought a measure of hope to organizations like the Ocalenie Foundation, which aids refugees and migrants. Board member Kalina Czwarnóg remains measured in her enthusiasm, wary of the new government’s stance on immigration, given the harsh rhetoric employed during the campaign period.

Humanitarian Crisis at the Border

The Polish-Belarusian border has been the site of a humanitarian crisis, with asylum seekers from war-torn regions facing deplorable conditions. Advocacy groups have accused Poland of violating international law by denying these individuals the right to apply for asylum. The election results have introduced new representatives sympathetic to the migrants’ plight, which could signal a shift in policy and attitude.

A Chance for Institutional Reform

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights views the election as an opportunity to address issues of democratic integrity and judicial independence. For eight years, civil society has been in a defensive mode, fighting to protect fundamental freedoms. With the new government, there’s a cautious hope for progress in strengthening democracy and the rule of law.

An Optimistic Outlook

Despite the complexities of political change, the high voter turnout and the dedication shown by citizens waiting hours to vote are sources of inspiration. These signs of civic engagement suggest a population eager to steer their country towards a more inclusive and democratic future.


Poland stands at a pivotal moment, where the election results have opened up possibilities for marginalized communities and set the stage for potential changes in policy and governance. The true impact of these results will unfold in the coming months, as the new government takes shape and begins to address the challenges left by its predecessors.


Volleyball Victory Sparks Cultural Tensions in Turkey

Volleyball Victory Sparks Cultural Tensions in Turkey

Turkey’s women’s volleyball team clinched the European championship, but the triumph was quickly overshadowed by societal strife. The team’s success was marred by the debate surrounding Ebrar Karakurt, a towering figure in the sport and a prominent LGBTQ+ icon. The nation’s split between secularism and Islamism has been brought into sharp relief, with Karakurt at the epicenter of the clash.

Erdogan’s Congratulatory Message Meets Backlash

Despite President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s congratulatory remarks to the “Sultans of the Net,” a wave of homophobic sentiment has surged across social media platforms. The government faces criticism for its perceived inaction in defending Karakurt from a barrage of attacks rooted in conservative Islamist ideology.

Public Figures Weigh In

The controversy intensified when İbrahim Melih Gökçek, former Ankara mayor, publicly denounced Karakurt, stirring further discord. His inflammatory remarks on X, a social media platform, were a stark call to action against the volleyball star, insisting she be removed from the national team.

Karakurt’s Stand for Personal Freedom

Karakurt has been under scrutiny by radical Islamist groups since revealing her relationship on social media. Without declaring her sexual orientation, she has consistently fought for her rights and freedoms against the ongoing homophobic onslaught.

Sports as a Symbol for LGBTQ+ Rights

The European championship has transcended sports, becoming a battleground for LGBTQ+ rights and secular life in Turkey. Aslı Alpar from KaosGL highlights the sporting event’s evolution into a demonstration against the systematic hate speech perpetuated by pro-government media and Islamist factions.

The Political and Social Landscape

Homosexuality, while not criminal in Turkey, faces increasing suppression under government directives. The restriction on LGBTQ+ expressions and events, including the ban on Pride marches, underscores the shrinking space for such communities.

Historical Echoes and Political Implications

The debate has taken a historical turn with the invocation of Abdülhamid II, a figure symbolic of the Ottoman Empire’s conservative past. Karakurt’s response to an online attack by someone emulating the sultan underscores the ideological battle between conservative and secular values in contemporary Turkey.

The Bigger Picture

Despite the uproar, Sinan Ülgen of Carnegie Europe observes that the general populace is proud of the volleyball team’s achievement, suggesting that the issue might not be as polarizing nationally as it appears. However, he criticizes the government’s silence as tacitly encouraging radical rhetoric.

The Aftermath of Silence

Recent secular outcry against the attempted ban on public alcohol consumption indicates a broader discontent with the government’s approach to social policy. The lack of defense for Karakurt by Turkish officials is seen not only as negligence but also as a political stance in itself, leaving the nation at a crossroads of cultural identity and civil liberties.


The Erosion of LGBTQI+ Rights in Europe: Far-Right’s Influence and the Rising Tide of Hate

The Erosion of LGBTQI+ Rights in Europe: Far-Right's Influence and the Rising Tide of Hate

In seemingly progressive European cities, public displays of affection by LGBTQI+ individuals are becoming acts of courage. Reports indicate a marked increase in homophobic attacks, particularly in Spain. The recent incident where two young men were attacked for a public display of affection on a Barcelona beach stands as a stark reminder of the changing climate.

Hate Emerges from the Shadows

With far-right parties like Vox gaining traction in Spain, hate against the LGBTQI+ community is becoming more blatant. After securing positions in numerous city councils, one of Vox’s initial moves was to remove rainbow flags from public buildings and ban demonstrations advocating against male violence. Ramón Martínez, writer and COGAM activist, notes the symbolic regression we’re witnessing. The fear is that this could quickly escalate into legal regression, with upcoming elections hinting at the possibility of a right-wing alliance taking power.

The Instrumentalization of LGBTQI+ Rights

Far-right parties and anti-democratic forces are increasingly using LGBTQI+ rights as a pawn in political debates. ILGA-Europe Policy Director, Katrin Hugendubel, observes that these strategies are often distractions from other issues, such as corruption, as seen in Hungary. The rights and dignity of the LGBTQI+ community are sidelined, used merely as talking points to further political agendas.

The Correlation between Hate Speech and Violence

The rise in hate speech has a direct link to the surge in violent incidents against the LGBTQI+ community. Reports from ILGA-Europe show an alarming increase in homophobic violence across 16 European countries in 2022. From a deadly attack on a queer venue in Norway to the shooting of two individuals in Slovakia, the signs are clear. Unless policymakers proactively address the root causes, this wave of violence is unlikely to subside.

A Glimmer of Hope Amidst the Darkness

While the situation appears grim, there have been some positive strides. ILGA-Europe’s Rainbow Map, which tracks the legal and political standing of LGBTQI+ individuals across Europe, has documented several recent advancements. Estonia’s legalization of same-sex marriage and the prohibition of Intersex Genital Mutilation in various countries signal progress. As Hugendubel points out, nations like Finland, Scotland, and Spain have also passed progressive laws in favor of the LGBTQI+ community.

The Way Forward

The fight for LGBTQI+ rights in Europe is at a critical juncture. While there are significant challenges ahead, the community and its allies must unite to ensure that the rights hard won are not rolled back. As Martínez suggests, the recent backlash may be a reaction to the success of the LGBTQI+ movement. Now, more than ever, it’s essential to be vocal, brave, and determined in the pursuit of justice and equality.


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