‘Thirsty Suitors’: A Game Where Dance Battles and Family Ties Take Center Stage

'Thirsty Suitors': A Game Where Dance Battles and Family Ties Take Center Stage

In an era where authentic cultural representation is becoming increasingly significant, “Thirsty Suitors” emerges as a vibrant addition to the indie gaming scene. This whimsical role-playing game centers on Jala, a South Asian bisexual woman whose journey through familial expectations and past relationships is as emotionally resonant as it is playful.

Jala’s Journey Home

After returning to her quiet hometown, Jala encounters a series of challenges, including a judgmental mother and a line-up of exes she has left discontented. But it’s not just romance and reconciliation on the agenda; Jala’s adventures also involve culinary quests and acrobatic skateboarding, all set against the backdrop of her uniquely immigrant experiences.

The Family Dynamic

The game portrays a touching family dynamic, with Jala’s father offering guidance and support in her endeavors. Whether he’s carrying her to bed reminiscent of her childhood or reviving her spirits after a defeat, her family’s role is crucial to her success.

Cultural Reflections in Modern Gaming

“Thirsty Suitors” finds its place alongside culturally poignant films like “Everything Everywhere All at Once” and “Turning Red,” reflecting the narrative depth of Asian immigrant stories. The game, available on computers and major consoles, is a second offering from Outerloop Games, expanding the studio’s repertoire with innovative quick-time events and turn-based dance battles.

A Rich Tapestry of Relationships

The game’s narrative, shaped by Meghna Jayanth, explores the complexity of relationships beyond the romantic sphere. It introduces players to a cast of characters, including Jala’s strict older sister and a formidable grandmother, each adding to the game’s rich cultural tapestry.

Celebrating Queer Brown Love

In “Thirsty Suitors,” the developers have dialed down the elements of homophobia to create a space that celebrates queer brown love. The game is an intentional shift away from the narratives of queer misery, instead choosing to revel in the joy and vibrancy of Jala’s world.

‘Thirsty Suitors’: A Game of Depth and Delight

Spanning six to ten hours of gameplay, “Thirsty Suitors” is packed with engaging side activities, including a “Thirstsona” dating quiz that adds a playful yet insightful touch. With its unique storytelling and celebration of cultural and queer identities, “Thirsty Suitors” is set to be more than just a game—it’s a jubilant expression of life’s complex dance.


Striving for Inclusion: Berlin’s Grassroots Football Leads the Way

Striving for Inclusion: Berlin's Grassroots Football Leads the Way

The inclusion initiative by World Aquatics to introduce an open gender category at the swimming World Cup in Berlin was met with no participation, drawing attention to the complexities of implementing inclusive policies in sports. Despite intentions to promote inclusivity, the outcome was a sober reminder of the challenges that lie ahead.

Critique from LGBTQ Advocates

Mara Geri, a board member of the Lesbian and Gay Association in Germany, highlighted the inherent problems with the open gender category, likening it to a forced outing for trans athletes, thereby inadvertently fostering exclusion rather than inclusion. This sentiment underscores the need for more nuanced approaches to inclusion in sports.

The Fear Factor in Sports Participation

The German Sport University Cologne’s survey on LGBTQ athletes revealed a stark reality: a significant number of individuals abstain from sports due to the fear of discrimination and exclusion, particularly trans individuals who often feel alienated in the sporting environment. The figures call for a concerted effort to address homophobia and transphobia in sports.

homophobia and transphobia in sports

homophobia and transphobia in sports

Berlin’s Progressive Approach

In contrast to the World Cup’s stumble, the Berlin Football Association has been a pioneer, adopting inclusive policies that allow non-binary and trans individuals to play in the gender category they identify with. This inclusive model, established in 2019, has set a precedent for other sports organizations in Germany.

On the Ground Realities

Michaela Jessica Tschitschke, the BFV’s advisor on sexual diversity and a trans woman actively involved in the football community, provides insight into the on-the-ground realities of inclusion. While there is greater openness in women’s teams, trans men face considerable obstacles in gaining acceptance in men’s teams, leading to many abandoning the sport.

Acceptance Beyond One’s Own Team

The battle for acceptance extends beyond one’s team, with prejudices and assumptions about performance advantages often leading to confrontations. The situation highlights the ongoing struggle against ingrained biases and stereotypes in competitive sports.

Institutional Changes

Following Berlin’s lead, the German Football Association has amended its match regulations to incorporate the inclusive rules pioneered by the BFV. While the uptake has been uneven across regional associations, the changes mark a positive direction toward greater inclusivity in sports.

A Positive Outlook

Despite the challenges and the relatively small number of individuals directly affected, the optimism remains high among advocates like Tschitschke. The progress made in Berlin’s grassroots football is a testament to the potential for change and the growing recognition of the importance of inclusion in sports.


Navigating Privacy and Identity: Kit Connor’s Journey to Coming Out

Navigating Privacy and Identity: Kit Connor's Journey to Coming Out

In a world where the lines between personal and public are increasingly blurred, Kit Connor, a rising star from the hit Netflix series ‘Heartstopper,’ found himself at the center of a social media storm. As an actor playing a bisexual character, Connor faced unwarranted speculation about his own sexuality, culminating in a tweet that forced the young actor to publicly come out before he was ready.

The Support of a Co-Star

Joe Locke, Connor’s co-star and on-screen love interest, was quick to offer his support. Locke’s message, retweeted thousands of times, was clear: Connor owed no explanations regarding his personal life. This sentiment echoed the voices of fans and industry supporters alike who condemned the pressure placed on Connor.

Social Media Speculation

Connor’s ordeal highlights the often-toxic nature of social media where boundaries are frequently crossed. His previous tweets and interviews reflect a plea for privacy, as he grappled with the complexities of identity and self-discovery in the public eye. Connor’s experience underscores the perils of speculation, particularly for young individuals in the spotlight.

The Creator’s Perspective

Alice Oseman, creator of the ‘Heartstopper’ graphic novels, expressed frustration at the irony of the situation. The show, celebrated for its portrayal of queer youth, inadvertently became a platform for the very type of behavior it stands against. Oseman’s disappointment with the online community’s actions serves as a reminder of the responsibilities that come with engagement in digital spaces.

Cast Solidarity

Kizzy Edgell, another ‘Heartstopper’ cast member, voiced her solidarity with Connor, acknowledging the rough treatment he faced. The shared sentiments among the cast suggest a tight-knit group, one that understands the value of support during such personal trials.

The Personal Journey

Kit Connor’s experience brings to light the challenging navigation of personal identity in the age of social media. His forced coming out serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of public speculation and the importance of respecting individual journeys. As society continues to grapple with these issues, Connor’s story is a stark reminder of the need for empathy and privacy in our interconnected world.


The Invisible Stigma: The Challenges Bisexual Men Face in Dating

The Invisible Stigma: The Challenges Bisexual Men Face in Dating

Bisexual men often bear the brunt of an invisible stigma, living lives that are frequently misunderstood or ignored by society. As a notable bisexual campaigner, my inbox is a testament to this hidden turmoil—filled with messages from men seeking advice on navigating their concealed identities and yearning for acceptance.

The Unexpected Demographic

Not Just a Youth Phenomenon

Contrary to popular belief, the individuals reaching out are not exclusively young men on the cusp of self-discovery. A significant portion of these correspondences come from older, often married men. These are individuals who have spent decades suppressing their true selves, now grappling with the realization that their spouses may love a facade rather than the person within.

The Closeted Majority

A Startling Statistic

A concerning statistic reveals the breadth of this issue: only 12 percent of bisexual men are out about their sexuality, while a staggering 82 percent masquerade as heterosexual. This concealment is symptomatic of the profound fear that honesty about their sexual orientation will lead to societal rejection and personal loss.

The Dating Dilemma

Facing Undesirability

One of the cruelest ironies for bisexual men is that their visibility can often lead to invisibility in the dating scene. Coming out can paradoxically render them invisible to potential partners. Studies corroborate this, showing that a majority of women express reluctance to date men who have been with other men.

The App Testimony

Anecdotal evidence echoes these findings. One bisexual man recounted his experience on a dating app where his matches plummeted from plentiful to nonexistent upon updating his profile to reflect his true sexual orientation.

The Harsh Question

A Misguided Conclusion

The predicament leads to a troubling inquiry: does coming out as bisexual inadvertently force a man into a gay identity in the eyes of society due to the skewed perceptions of potential female partners?

The Rejection Beyond Romance

Encounters with Prejudice

Beyond dating, the stigma can manifest in everyday interactions. My own encounter at a Pride event with a woman who could not fathom dating a bisexual man highlighted the deep-seated biases that still exist, even within communities that celebrate diversity.

The Stigma at the Heart

The Issue Is Prejudice

The central issue is not a lack of attraction but the presence of stigma. The prejudices against bisexual men—assumptions of infidelity, hidden homosexuality, or health risks—are forms of discrimination that need to be addressed and dismantled.

Equality at a Distance

The Personal Impact Paradox

The hypocrisy of advocating for equality at a distance while harboring prejudice up close is a phenomenon that must be confronted. The very women who decry toxic masculinity may unknowingly perpetuate it by dismissing bisexual men as potential partners.

Breaking Through

A Case for Open-Mindedness

Despite the challenges, there is hope. My own experience as an out bisexual man in a loving relationship is a testament to the possibility of acceptance. It’s a reminder that love can transcend the barriers of sexual orientation.

A Call to Action

Moving Beyond Stigma

We must strive to transcend the stigma that shadows bisexual men. It’s time for society, especially straight women, to consider that bisexual men are simply human beings deserving of love and respect.

In Conclusion

Advice for the Future

The advice I give to men facing rejection for their bisexuality is unequivocal: it is better to know early on if someone cannot accept you for who you are. It’s imperative that we all work to shatter the misconceptions surrounding bisexuality and recognize the humanity and dignity of every individual, regardless of whom they love.


Malta’s Progressive Shift: A Beacon for LGBTIQ+ Rights

Malta's Progressive Shift: A Beacon for LGBTIQ+ Rights

In the heart of the Mediterranean Sea lies Malta, an archipelago known for its rich history and conservative roots. However, in recent years, Malta has emerged as an unlikely leader in LGBTIQ+ rights, setting an example for countries around the world. This transformation is the focus of an innovative project by Audrey Rose Mizzi, showcased through an Instagram carousel as part of Europeana’s Digital Storytelling Festival.

Europeana’s Creative Residency

Pioneering Digital Storytelling

In May and June of 2023, Europeana’s Digital Storytelling Festival launched its first Online Creative Residency. Eight participants were selected to explore and animate the narratives of LGBTQ+ culture and communities. Through the guidance of experienced mentors in various fields, these digital storytellers harnessed new media to shed light on the vibrant tapestry of queer life and history.

Malta’s Journey

From Conservatism to Acceptance

Malta’s journey from a traditionally conservative society to a front-runner in LGBTIQ+ rights is not only surprising but also deeply inspiring. Audrey Rose Mizzi’s Instagram project delves into this transition, unraveling the layers of societal change that have led to Malta’s current status.

Legislative Landmarks

Key to Malta’s success has been a series of progressive legislative reforms. These have included the legalization of same-sex marriage, comprehensive anti-discrimination laws, and the introduction of groundbreaking gender identity laws. Each legislative step was a building block in creating a society that not only tolerates but celebrates diversity.

Cultural Shift

The Role of Advocacy and Activism

The cultural shift towards greater acceptance and inclusivity in Malta did not happen overnight. It was the result of relentless advocacy and activism by numerous individuals and organizations within the LGBTIQ+ community. These efforts have helped to educate the public, influence policymakers, and reshape the cultural narrative.

Public Perception and Support

As laws changed, so did public perception. The Maltese people’s growing support for LGBTIQ+ rights reflected a broader trend of social liberalization. This change in mindset has been pivotal in allowing the community to thrive openly.

Global Recognition

Leading by Example

Malta’s stance on LGBTIQ+ rights has earned it international accolades. The country has been recognized by various human rights organizations for its comprehensive legal protections for LGBTIQ+ individuals, serving as a model for other nations grappling with similar issues.

The Impact of Visibility

Mizzi’s Instagram carousel brings visibility to Malta’s accomplishments in the realm of LGBTIQ+ rights. By highlighting this transformation, the project not only celebrates the progress made but also encourages ongoing dialogue and action.


Malta’s evolution into a gay-friendly haven is a testament to the power of progressive thought and the impact of collective action. As the world watches, Malta stands as a reminder that change is possible, and that even the most conservative of societies can grow to become champions of equality and human rights.


Hungary’s National Museum Director Dismissed Amid LGBT Content Row

Hungary's National Museum Director Dismissed Amid LGBT Content Row

Hungary’s government has made a decisive move by terminating the director of the National Museum, Laszlo Simon, following the museum’s decision to allow minors access to an exhibition showcasing LGBT content. This decision is a direct enforcement of the contentious 2021 law that prohibits the display and promotion of content related to homosexuality to individuals under 18.

Government Inquiry Sparks Action

The issue came to a head last month when the far-right Mi Hazank party called for a government probe into the World Press Photo exhibition hosted by the museum. The party’s actions were prompted by a law, backed by Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s administration, which many critics argue infringes on human rights and has been chastised by the European Union.

Museum’s Stance and Immediate Response

In response to the inquiry, the National Museum stated it had no authority to verify the ages of its visitors but took steps to advise against under-18s attending the exhibit via a notice on its website. Despite these precautions, the Minister for Culture and Innovation announced that Simon was relieved of his duties for not fulfilling the institution’s legal responsibilities.

Director’s Reaction and Publicity

Simon, who has a history with Orban’s Fidesz party, responded to his dismissal on Facebook, claiming adherence to the law and highlighting the immediate action taken by the museum to communicate the age restrictions. Interestingly, Simon had also noted that the attention drawn by the Mi Hazank party had inadvertently promoted the exhibit, leading to increased attendance.

Awaiting Official Comments

As of now, the culture ministry and government spokesperson have not responded to inquiries regarding the incident. This lack of immediate official commentary adds a layer of complexity to the unfolding events.

Prior Incidents Reflect the Law’s Reach

This is not the first instance of enforcement as earlier this year, Hungarian booksellers faced fines for selling literature with homosexual themes that were not sealed in protective packaging, a stipulation of the 2021 law.

Implications and Future Prospects

The dismissal of the museum’s director is a clear sign of the government’s commitment to enforcing the law, despite the controversy surrounding it. It raises significant questions about the balance between child protection and freedom of expression, and the role of cultural institutions in navigating this delicate balance.

The international community and human rights organizations continue to watch these developments closely, as they have broader implications for the values of democracy and inclusion within Hungary and across the European Union.


Poland's Election Results: A Glimmer of Hope for Marginalized Communities

The Polish election has yielded results that are stirring cautious optimism among various marginalized communities. After an extended period under a government known for its conservative stance, particularly towards LGBTQ+ individuals, the country stands at the cusp of a potential change in governance.

Breathing a Sigh of Relief

For people like Bart Staszewski, a gay man and LGBTQ+ activist, the election’s outcome promises a respite from the onslaught of governmental hostility. Staszewski, along with many in the LGBTQ+ community, has faced an environment rife with fear and anxiety as the previous ruling party, Law and Justice (PiS), propagated an anti-LGBTQ+ agenda.

The Beautiful Resistance

Despite the challenges, a robust LGBTQ+ movement has emerged, demonstrating resilience and solidarity. Activists like Staszewski now hope to leverage this momentum to advocate for more inclusive legislation, aiming to include sexual orientation and gender expression in hate crime laws.

The Road Ahead

The path forward is not without obstacles. The PiS-aligned president retains veto power, which could complicate legislative efforts. Moreover, Donald Tusk’s government has expressed intentions to prioritize the introduction of same-sex civil partnerships, signaling a step forward, though the full realization of LGBTQ+ rights remains to be seen.

A Mixed Reception Among Refugee Advocates

The election results also brought a measure of hope to organizations like the Ocalenie Foundation, which aids refugees and migrants. Board member Kalina Czwarnóg remains measured in her enthusiasm, wary of the new government’s stance on immigration, given the harsh rhetoric employed during the campaign period.

Humanitarian Crisis at the Border

The Polish-Belarusian border has been the site of a humanitarian crisis, with asylum seekers from war-torn regions facing deplorable conditions. Advocacy groups have accused Poland of violating international law by denying these individuals the right to apply for asylum. The election results have introduced new representatives sympathetic to the migrants’ plight, which could signal a shift in policy and attitude.

A Chance for Institutional Reform

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights views the election as an opportunity to address issues of democratic integrity and judicial independence. For eight years, civil society has been in a defensive mode, fighting to protect fundamental freedoms. With the new government, there’s a cautious hope for progress in strengthening democracy and the rule of law.

An Optimistic Outlook

Despite the complexities of political change, the high voter turnout and the dedication shown by citizens waiting hours to vote are sources of inspiration. These signs of civic engagement suggest a population eager to steer their country towards a more inclusive and democratic future.


Poland stands at a pivotal moment, where the election results have opened up possibilities for marginalized communities and set the stage for potential changes in policy and governance. The true impact of these results will unfold in the coming months, as the new government takes shape and begins to address the challenges left by its predecessors.


St Ursula’s College Reverses Same-Sex Formal Ban After Public Outcry

St Ursula's College Reverses Same-Sex Formal Ban After Public Outcry

In a remarkable turnaround, St Ursula’s College, a Catholic school in Kingsgrove, Sydney, has scrapped its controversial ban on same-sex couples attending the school formal. This decision came on the heels of a powerful online campaign initiated by Abbie Frankland, whose petition garnered nearly 5,000 signatures in a short span, highlighting the policy’s discriminatory nature.

The Ban that Sparked a Movement

The issue came to light when Frankland and her girlfriend, a senior student at St Ursula’s, were informed of the school’s stance prohibiting same-sex dates at the event. The restriction, which contradicted the inclusive values many expected from educational institutions in 2023, led Frankland to take action through an online petition platform, Change.org. The rapid swell of support underscored the community’s call for change.

Community and Nationwide Support

The outcry was not confined to the online community. Federal Education Minister Jason Clare also chimed in, advocating for the school to apply “a little bit of common sense” and align its policies with the progressive values of contemporary society. Clare’s involvement underscored the federal government’s position on non-discrimination, particularly significant considering the government’s substantial funding contribution to Catholic schools.

The Turning Point

The petition and subsequent backlash created a groundswell that the school could not ignore. In a meeting with students, the administration reversed its stance, allowing students to bring a date of their choice, regardless of gender. This change was communicated via Change.org, bringing the issue full circle from its inception on the platform to its resolution.

Looking to the Future

Frankland’s triumph over the policy has been a beacon of hope for those facing similar discriminatory practices. Her message on Change.org resonated with a broader call to action, encouraging individuals to stand against injustice. The successful overturn of the ban at St Ursula’s College may now serve as a precedent, suggesting a path forward for inclusivity and equality in educational settings.

The Ripple Effect

The incident at St Ursula’s College has set a precedent that could potentially influence other educational institutions to re-evaluate their policies regarding inclusivity. With federal and state governments closely intertwined with school funding, policies that support discrimination are not only at odds with societal values but could also impact the financial support these institutions receive.


The reversal of the same-sex formal ban at St Ursula’s College marks a significant step towards inclusivity in educational institutions. It demonstrates the power of community activism and the importance of aligning school policies with modern societal values. As we move forward, the hope is that more schools will follow in the footsteps of St Ursula’s, ensuring that all students, regardless of their sexuality, are treated with equality and respect.


Unraveling the Truth: Misgendering, Deadnaming, and Germany’s Proposed “Self-Determination Act”

Unraveling the Truth: Misgendering, Deadnaming, and Germany's Proposed "Self-Determination Act"

In recent days, social media has been abuzz with claims that Germany is on the verge of making misgendering and deadnaming criminal offenses. Posts from various users, including a notable one from an individual on the platform formerly known as Twitter, have ignited debates and discussions. The tweet in question read: “I’m from Germany and today a new law was enacted where you can change your gender upon a feeling once a year! Also, misgendering can cost you up to 10,000€.”

Clarifying the Terms: Misgendering and Deadnaming

For those unfamiliar with the terminology, misgendering is the act of intentionally using incorrect gendered language, like referring to a woman as “he”. Deadnaming, meanwhile, involves addressing someone by their birth name, which they might have abandoned following a gender transition.

The Real Intent Behind the German Bill

At its core, the bill under discussion aims to simplify the legal gender change process for trans, intersex, and non-binary individuals. Current procedures require individuals to undergo two psychological assessments to amend their legal gender — a process that many have criticized as lengthy, costly, and demeaning.

The €10,000 Fine: What’s It Really For?

Contrary to rampant online speculation, the proposed fine of up to €10,000 is not tied to misgendering or deadnaming. Instead, the penalty targets those who maliciously leak confidential information, particularly pertaining to someone’s previously assigned gender without their consent. This is in line with the stance of the German Ministry for Family Affairs, which asserts that an individual’s former gender should remain private unless explicitly permitted by the person in question. However, there are certain exceptions, especially in law enforcement scenarios.

Official Word from the German Government

Setting the record straight, the official government website clarifies, “There is no general ban on ‘misgendering’ or ‘deadnaming’ in the bill.” The Ministry emphasizes that only deliberate acts are under scrutiny, as accidental oversights won’t be penalized.

Existing Protections Against Harassment

Germany already has legal provisions against severe bullying or harassment of trans individuals. Such actions are deemed punishable as they are categorized under harassment.

Awaiting Parliament’s Approval: The “Self-Determination Act”

The “Self-Determination Act”, a central piece of Social Democratic Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition government’s agenda, awaits its day in Parliament. If ratified, this legislation will position Germany alongside European nations like Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Luxembourg, and Denmark — all of which have already recognized the legal principle of self-determination.

In Conclusion

While social media can be a rapid source of information, it’s crucial to fact-check and understand the nuances of legislative proposals. Germany’s ongoing discussions around gender identity and confidentiality serve as a testament to the nation’s progressive approach, even as it emphasizes the importance of consent and privacy for all its citizens.


Poland Ranked Lowest in EU for LGBTQ+ Rights, New Report Finds

Poland Ranked Lowest in EU for LGBTQ+ Rights, New Report Finds

For the fourth consecutive year, Poland has been designated the most challenging country in the European Union for LGBTQ+ individuals to live in, according to a comprehensive report from ILGA-Europe. Despite some progress, the nation lags significantly behind its EU counterparts in terms of legal and policy support for the LGBTQ+ community.

The European Spectrum of Equality

The ILGA-Europe report, an annual assessment of the state of LGBTQ+ rights, measures a range of factors from legal protections to societal acceptance. Countries are scored on a scale from 0 to 100, with 100 representing full equality and zero indicating severe human rights violations.

Malta Leads the Way

Malta continues to set a high standard, maintaining its position at the forefront with an impressive score of 89 percent. Belgium and Denmark follow suit, with both countries achieving a commendable 76 percent. These nations exemplify the strides being made towards full legal and social equality for LGBTQ+ residents.

Poland’s Struggle for Progress

In stark contrast, Poland’s score of 15 percent reflects a grim reality for its LGBTQ+ population. Although it has seen a marginal improvement from the previous year, thanks to legal advancements in gender recognition and protections for intersex individuals, the country still grapples with widespread discrimination and a lack of comprehensive policies to safeguard LGBTQ+ rights.

EU vs. Non-EU Countries

While Poland’s ranking is the lowest within the EU, it stands above some non-EU European nations. Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia, and Armenia have been identified as the most challenging places on the continent for LGBTQ+ individuals, with systemic discrimination and hostile legal environments.

A Silver Lining

Despite the discouraging figures, ILGA-Europe’s advocacy director, Katrin Hugendubel, emphasizes that progress is being made. She notes that European countries are increasingly adopting legislation that recognizes gender identity and broadens the scope of equality bodies to encompass intersex rights.

The Way Forward

The report serves as a call to action for European nations to bolster their efforts in promoting LGBTQ+ rights. It highlights the necessity for legal reforms, policy changes, and societal shifts to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, are treated with dignity and respect.

As the EU continues to advocate for the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals, the disparities exemplified in the ILGA-Europe report will remain a crucial topic for policymakers, activists, and society at large. The ongoing commitment to equality is not just a matter of legal compliance but a testament to the core values that the EU stands for.


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